Posts tagged apple podcast
Episode 17. Pulling the Strings

Has someone ever asked you to pull their finger? Don’t worry, we’re not talking about that dastardly trick (never again, Uncle Jeff). Nay, today we pull the curtain back on one of the most recognized idioms in our blessed English language: “pulling the strings”. “That one’s easy,” you say. “I don’t need to listen to this episode, I already know the origin!” Well, get off yer high horse, partner. Come on down and sit by the camp fire with ole’ Danny, Tommy, and Travy and enjoy a can of baked beans as we serenade the ear canals with our charming and enlightening banter. And if anyone asks you to pull their finger, DON’T DO IT. Enjoy the last episode of season 2 and listen to the end of the episode to hear a special guest!

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